Simone Schiller

Very briefly

Simone Schiller

My start in professional life

I began my professional career with an apprenticeship as a butcher in my parents' business. I then studied food technology at the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. I started my career as a food engineer in 1988 in the quality assurance department of the food retail company Otto Reichelt AG in Berlin.

In 1994, I decided to take part in the interdisciplinary health sciences course at the Technical University of Berlin to reach Master of Public Health in order to expand my specialist knowledge and acquire new skills.

In 1998, I acquired the title of master butcher.

Butchers' Association Berlin-Brandenburg

From 1997 to 2009, I was Managing Director of the Berlin-Brandenburg Butchers' Association, the Berlin Butchers' Guild and Head of the Berlin Butchers' College. During this time, I was responsible for the organization of inter-company training and final examinations in the butcher's trade and sales on behalf of the Chamber of Crafts. I was also responsible for conducting master craftsman examinations. I was chairman of the arbitration board for apprenticeship disputes. During this time, I represented the Berlin-Brandenburg Butchers' Association on the committees of the German Butchers' Association. Together with the Commissioner for Foreigners of the State of Berlin, I designed a vocational training program for kebab makers and successfully conducted several training courses.

During this time, I prepared several expert reports for meat and meat products as a sworn expert.

Knowledge of pedagogy

In order to learn more about pedagogy, I decided to do a traineeship at the commercial vocational school in Mannheim in September 2009 and after two years I received a teaching qualification for higher education.

DLG e.V. (German Agricultural Society)

From October 2011 to July 2024, I worked at DLG e. V., initially as a project manager for the quality testing of convenience products. In December 2012, I was appointed Managing Director of the DLG Competence Center Food and from 2014 until my departure I was a member of the Executive Board.

My professional role was to promote the transfer of knowledge between research and practice. Many activities led to publications in the trade press, such as the “DLG Expert Knowledge” series, DLG quality atlases such as “DLG Quality Atlas for Cheese”, “DLG Quality Atlas for Packaging of Meat and Meat Products” or the “DLG Technical Vocabulary for Sensory Science”.

In addition, I have defined relevant topics for specialist conferences, trade fairs and specialist programmes and organized and implemented them in Germany and abroad.

In publicly funded projects, I worked on current technical and social issues, such as the reduction of foodloss and waste, the development of a sustainability standard for food packaging and innovations, especially in the field of digitalization.

Teaching activity

I have been a lecturer at colleges and universities in Berlin, Lemgo and Lübeck for many years. My focus is on food technology and sensor technology. I see the supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses as an active promotion of young talent.

International lecturing activities

I also give lectures on current topics in the food industry in Germany and abroad, e.g. in China, Uzbekistan, South Korea, Thailand, Japan and Italy.

Honorary posts

Honorary judge at the Berlin-Brandenburg Fiscal Court, 7th Senate
Member of the Commission for Biological Safety at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Board member of the Edmund Rehwinkel Foundation
Member of the German Food Codex Commission
Advisory board member in research projects of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft or the Forschungskreis der Ernährungsindustrie e.V. (FEI)


I have been awarded the badge of honor of the Berlin Butchers' Guild
The DLG Executive Board awarded me the Max Eyth Medal in Silver

For the future, I hope to continue working on exciting projects where my experience is in demand.

